
Speakers | Singapore Economic Review Conference

2024 SERC Speakers

Keynote Speaker

Richard Sandor University Of Chicago SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Professor Richard Sandor

Coase-Sandor Institute of Law and Economics, University of Chicago

Guest Of Honour

Heng Swee Keat SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Mr Heng Swee Keat

Deputy Prime Minister

Ahmet _ SERC NTU

Ahmet Faruk Aysan

Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Bruno Dallago University Of Trento,Italy SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Bruno Dallago

University of Trento, Italy

Cheng Hsiao University of Southern California SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Cheng Hsiao

University of Southern California

Daniel Houser, SERC Conference Singapore, NTU 2024

Daniel Houser

George Mason University

Dale Whittington University of North Carolina SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Dale Whittington

University of North

Dany Quah University of North Carolina SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Danny Quah

National University of Singapore

Erik Snowberg University of Utah SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website


University of Utah

Hal Hill Australia National University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Hal Hill

Australia National

Jan Kiviet SERC NTU

Jan Kiviet

University of Amsterdam

Jinhua Zhao SERC

Jinhua Zhao


John Rust Georgetown University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

John Rust

Georgetown University

Jomo Kwame Sundaram SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

International Islamic University in Malaysia

Jong Wha Lee Korea University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Jong-Wha Lee

Korea University

Justin Yifu Lin Peking University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Justin Yifu Lin


Kabir Hassan NTU SERC

Kabir  Hassan

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lars Lefgren Brigham Young University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Lars Lefgren

Brigham Young

Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin

Istanbul Medeniyet University

Noayuki Yoshino Keio University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Naoyuki Yoshino

Keio University

Partha Sen Delhi School of Economics SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Partha Sen

Delhi School of Economics

Robert Stavins SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Robert Stavins

Harvard University

Satoshi Mizobata Kyoto University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Satoshi Mizobata

Kyoto University

Takatoshi Ito Columbia University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Takatoshi Ito

Columbia University

Tetsushi Sonobe Asian Development Bank Institute SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Tetsushi Sonobe

Asian Development Bank Institute

Tito Michele Boeri SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Tito Michele Boeri

University of Bocconi

Wolfgang Hardle Humboldt Universitat Zu Berlin SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Wolfgang Härdle

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Yasuyaki Sawada University Of Tokyo SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Yasuyuki Sawada

University of Tokyo