
Committees | Singapore Economic Review Conference

serc 2024

Conference Committee

Te Boa NTU SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Te Bao

Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences

Cheng Hsiao University of Southern California SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Cheng Hsiao

University of Southern

Dale Whittington University of North Carolina SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Dale Whittington

University of North

Euston Quah NTU SERC

Prof. Euston Quah

Professor, School of Social Sciences, NTU

Euston Quah is Albert Winsemius chair professor of economics and director of the Economic Growth Centre at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is also editor of the Singapore Economic Review and president of the Economic Society of Singapore. Professor Quah has published widely in the fields of cost-benefit analysis, environmental economics, and law and economics.

Ngee Choon Chia NUS SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Prof. Ngee Choon Chia

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, NUS

Chia Ngee Choon is an associate professor of economics at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the co-editor of the Singapore Economic Review.

She has built a solid research portfolio in fiscal policies and economics of ageing studies. Her recent research focuses on social protection, retirement financing, health financing, and long-term care.  She has published her research in academic journals such as the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, and The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, among others. She has consulted for prominent international entities, including the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the World Bank.

She has conducted several commissioned studies on the adequacy of social security under the Central Provident Fund (CPF) system in Singapore. She has led collaborative research with the CPF Board and the Ministry of Manpower, dedicated to unraveling the complexities of work, retirement, and health using the Retirement and Health Study data. She is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Agency for Integrated Care.

Shigeyuki Hamori Kobe University SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Prof. Shigeyuki Hamori

Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University

Shigeyuki Hamori is a Professor of Economics at Kobe University in Japan. He received his Ph.D. from Duke University. He is President of the International Research Institute for Economics and Management, Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (DFIETI), and Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DFIDSAI). His main research interests are applied time series analysis, empirical finance, data science, and international finance. He is Co-editor of the Singapore Economic Review, Associate Editor of the International Review of Financial Analysis, and Associated Editor of the Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Jamus Lim ESSEC Buisness School SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Prof. Jamus Lim

Associate Professor, ESSEC Business School

Jamus Lim is an associate professor of economics at ESSEC Business School, one of the top business schools in Europe, and a member of the 14th Parliament of Singapore, representing Sengkang. His research expertise and interests lie at the intersection of international macro-finance, political economy, and development economics, and his work has appeared in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Monetary Economics and Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, along with policy flagships such as the World Bank's Global Economic Prospects and the joint IMF-World Bank Global Monitoring Report. A seasoned communicator, his ideas have been featured in print media such as the Financial Times and Straits Times, and he also regularly shares his views on radio and television outlets such as CNA.

Te Boa NTU SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Prof. Te Bao

Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, NTU

Te Bao is an associate professor of economics at the School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his Ph.D in Economics in 2012 from CeNDEF, University of Amsterdam. His research interest includes experimental economics, behavioral finance and real estate economics. His works are published in Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Tomoki Fuji SMU

Prof. Tomoki Fujii

Associate Professor of Economics; Associate Dean (Undergraduate Curriculum), SMU

Tomoki Fujii is Associate Professor of Economics at Singapore Management University. His main areas of research are development economics and environmental economics and his papers have appeared in top journals in these fields. He has also consulted for leading international development agencies, including the World Bank, World Food Programs, and Asian Development Bank, and holds a few editorial appointments with international journals such as Singapore Economic Review.

Wenjie Wang NTU SERC Singapore Economic Review Conference NTU Singapore 2024 SitesGo Website

Prof. Wenjie Wang

Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, NTU

Wenjie received Ph.D. in Economics from Kyoto University, Japan. Before joining NTU, he was an Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Social Sciences at Hiroshima University. His research interests include Econometric Theory, Machine Learning, Applied Econometrics, Policy Evaluation, and Behavioral Economics. His research papers have been published in journals such as Journal of Econometrics, European Economic Review, and Economics Letters.

serc 2024

Conference Secretariat

• Mr Jackson TEH (
• Mr Jun Rui TAN (
• Mr. Zach LEE (